Any Perfect Brackets
Posted By admin On 14/04/22- Any Perfect Brackets Remaining
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- Are There Any Perfect Brackets Left
1. I (to be) in London this year.
The Everbilt 12 in. Heavy Duty Shelf Bracket is ideal for closets, garages, sheds or any shelving needs. Compatible with wood, plastic or metal shelving. Easy to install. Open the brackets using Present Perfect. the students (improve) their English? She (become) really beautiful.
2. We (to see) this film before.
3. He (not to met) his parents.
4. She (to hear) this music before.
5. I (to write) a new book this month.
6. They (not to finish) their work yet.
7. Alan (not to have) his breakfast.
8. Cathy (not to get) up yet.
9. Martin (not to wash) up yet.
10. We (not to tell) him the truth.
11. You (to mention) my name?
12. Your mother already (to come)?
13. Where Martin (to go)?
14. Why John (to take) this book?
15. Jane (to be) at the theatre this week?
Translate the sentences from Russian into English using Present Perfect Tense.
1. Она уже проснулась.
2. Ты уже пообедал.
3. Мама еще не пришла домой.
4. Почему ты не сделал уроки?
5. Мы никогда не были в этом городе.
6. Ты когда-нибудь видел этот фильм?
7. Мой друг еще не вернулся с работы.
8. Дети уже позавтракали?
9. Отец только что пришел домой.
10. Почему ты еще не убрала в комнате?
11. Кто сломал мою ручку?
12. Почему она еще не поужинала?
13. Ученики уже прочитали этот текст?
14. Он никогда не говорил правду.
15. Мой брат только что пошел в школу.
Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.
1. She (to be) to all the capital cities of Europe this year.
2. John (to travel) around Europe last year.
3. You ever (to live) in a foreign country?
4. My friend knows a lot because he (to read) a lot.
5. She (to go) home two days ago.
6. She is free now. She (to pass) her final exam.
7. David (to start) school in 1990.
8. Look! Somebody (to break) my window.
9. I (to leave) home early last night.
10. Is he still watching this program? — No, he just (to watch) it.
Any Perfect Brackets Remaining
11. We (not to see) them last week.
12. His family (to build) a new house this year.
13. It (to stop) snowing an hour ago.
14. I (not to decide) where to go tonight.
15. I (to learn) all the new words. Now I can translate this text.
16. When you (to arrive) to Paris?
17. We (not to know) about the disco last night.
18. You (to read) this book before?
19. He (to work) here two months ago?
20. John (to be) to London before?
Translate the sentences from Russian into English using Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.
1. Ты уже прочитал эту статью? Нет, я только начал читать ее.
2. Когда он приехал в Киев? — Он приехал сюда вчера.
3. Он никогда не видел это представление, но много читал о нем в газетах.
4. Когда твой друг возвратился домой? — Вчера он вернулся в семь часов.
5. Когда ты играл в последний раз в теннис? — Я уже год не играл в теннис.
6. Строительство этого дома началось прошлой весной.
7. Когда твой брат в последний раз писал тебе? — Он не писал мне с этой зимы.
8. Ты была во Франции? — Нет, она никогда не была в этой стране.
9. Когда вы купили новую квартиру? — Мы купили ее месяц назад.
10. Ты до сих пор не познакомил свою девушку с родителями?
11. Вчера мы были у доктора и он осмотрел меня.
12. Когда она вышла из комнаты, она выключила свет.
13. Сколько раз вы были в этой стране? — Я был в ней дважды.
14.Мы живем в этом районе с тех пор, как переехали сюда.
15. Какое впечатление на тебя произвела эта статья? — Я еще не читала ее.
16.Ты читал газеты в последнее время? — Нет, я был
очень занят.
Any Perfect Brackets Left 2019
17. Мой лучший друг переехал в другой город три месяца назад.
18. Я не видел его около месяца.
19. Вы уже видели этот фильм? — Да, я видел его на прошлой неделе.
20. Когда ты встречалась со своей двоюродной сестрой? Мы встречались с ней на прошлой неделе.
Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.
1. It is the first time I (to fly).
2. You ever (to eat) bird’s nest soup?
3. He (to work) there for a year.
4. You ever (to try) parachuting? — No, I never (to try) this kind of sport.
5. We (to live) here since 1990.
6. You ever (to be) in the USA? - Yes, I (to go) there in spring.
7. This is the worst meal I ever (to eat).
8. He (to study) English for three years but then he (to stop). We (not to eat) since lunch time.
9. She (to work) for this firm since she (to leave) school.
10. We (not to see) him since he (to leave) our flat.
11. You ever (to meet) anybody famous?
12. My granny (to live) here since she (to be) a girl.
13. How long they (to be) married?
14. They always (to live) in this street.
15. Nick and Tom (to know) each other since they (to be) at school.
Open the brackets using Present Perfect Tense. Pay attention to the use of prepositions “for” and “since”.
1. I (to live) here (for/since) 1999.
2. He (to work) there (for/since) May.
3. They (to be) friends (for/since) they entered the college.
4. We (to know) him (for/since) three years.
5. They (to live) in our house (for/since) two years.
6. She (to be) ill (for/since) Friday.
7. I (not to be) in London (for/since) I (to be) a child.
8. I (to leave) Kyiv last year and I (not to see) him (for/since)
9. He (to study) French (for/since) ten years.
10. My mother (to work) in the factory (for/since) some year.
11. They (to live) in Brazil (for/since) 1960.
12. I (not to see) him (for/since) this Tuesday.
13. He (to be) in prison now (for/since) five years.
14. She (not to hear) about them (for/since) almost a year.
15. I (to know) nothing about him (for/since) several months.
Ex. 7
1. I (to accuse) of stealing the money.
2. An ambulance (to call) to the scene of the accident.
3. Brian told me that he (to attack) and (to rob) in the street.
4. He and I (sleep) when the telephone operator awoke us.
XXVII. Open the brackets using Past Perfect Passive.
1. Three men (to arrest) by the police before.
2. This court material was carried out as if he (to find) guilty.

3. By the middle of the 19th century about 60 chemical elements (to discover).
4. When we came to Kiev there were a lot of buildings there which (to destroy) by the German fascists.
XXVIII. Open the brackets using Future Perfect Passive.
1. The documents (to check) and the letters (to type) when you (to come).
2. I'm sure that the goods already (to deliver) to the port when we (to receive) their telegram.
Are There Any Perfect Brackets Left 2021
3. The new exhibition (to visit) by many foreign tourists.
4. The witnesses (to ask) by the end of the day.
XXIX. Transform the sentences into Passive form.
I. They have sent for him yet.
2. You have objected my plan.
3. We had got the necessary results before.
4. The authority will sent the officers to different units.
5. All the cadets will take all the exams.
6. Deputies had discussed this point before they adopted the agenda.
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XXX. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.
1. Unkind remarks have easy upset my friend.
2. The detective had written the report before his chief came.
Any Perfect Brackets Left Espn
3. Somebody has found the boy the people wanted. (2 passives)
Are There Any Perfect Brackets Left
4. They had eaten the dinner before they finished the conversation. (2 passives)
5. Has the chief signed your documents already?
6. All of them had finished the work before the bell rang.
7. I had written my letter before I heard from him.
8. They have not forgotten the incident.
9. Police has arrested criminals just on the spot.
10. He has made records of crime scene investigation.
Articles (артиклі)
Артиклі цe службові слова, які не мають самостійного значення і є особливими визначниками іменників. В українській мові артиклівідсутні.
Артиклі не змінюються і є ненаголошеними словами, які вимовляються зі словом, перед якими вони стоять.
Артиклі ставляться перед іменником. Якщо перед іменником є прикметник, артикль ставитьсяперед ним.
В англійській мові є два артиклі - неозначений артикль (the indefinite article) a (an) i означений артикль (the definite article) the.