Www Play2win
Posted By admin On 10/04/22YouPorn is a free pornographic video sharing website and one of the 100 most accessed websites in the world. Since launching in August 2006, it grew to become the most popular pornographic website on the internet, and, in November 2007, it was reported to be the largest free pornographic website as well. Wcoins: Exchange from credits to Wcoins (ratio 10/1) Maximal character level: 400 master level: 800 (total max level: 1200) Ruud Trade: Buy Custom Ruud Jewels from Ruud Shop or Goblin Point Shop that rewards exactly the amount you paid so you can trade your Ruud. About vip: Experience increase: 2x higher Drop increase: 2x higher. Last Version,High rates,INSPIRED TROJANS,Runes,Cross Server,Anima and more features,Active Support.it's a long term game that will support you with fair gameplay and enjoyable play2win experience! Download the client. Since 2004 -Old Quests/ Events -Low Rates -Play2Win -True Classic -Daily / Weekly Events - Low Rates, -Level 130, -Plus +9 -Rebirth 1, -No Potency, No Rank, No + Stones, No Tortoise, NO Blessed items, -Four Main Classes -All classes are balanced -TC MetSpam recording -Bad Luck Protection for spam.
Server IP | hybridpe.me:19132 Connect |
Version | v1.16.200 |
Status | Online |
Players | 17/18 |
Server Protocol | Pocketmine-MP |
Welcome to HybridPE!

? What is HybridPE all about ??
? HybridPE is a family friendly Minecraft:BE OP Prison server.
? What we offer:
✅ Custom Plugins
? Block Tournaments
⚔️ Plots
? Math Quizzes
❕ Custom Enchants
⚠️ 30 Mines including PvP, Donator, and A-Z mines.
? Lag-free experience!
? Play2Win
‼️ Vote Party
? 100 Prestiges
? Friendly staff and more!
➡️ Invite your friends to our discord server: https://discord.com/invite/7XxQYTh
Hey gamers! I am excited to introduce you HybridPE. So you might be asking, what is HybridPE all about? HybridPE is a Minecraft: Bedrock multiplayer server. Our gamemode we have right now is OP Prison. What is OP prison? OP Prison is you get all the OP stuffs right from joining. meaning you can beat a 3-year player when you are just newly join. Also, the price in OP-prison are much higher and its much easier to rank up than classic Prison. So basically there is A-Free and prestiges ranks after you pass free. Your main goal is to mine, make money, and rank up as much as possible.
One of VIP Mines
Custom PvP mine

Mine Z
Chat overview
Prestige Mine
PvP mine
Mine A
Pickaxe stats
Item Shop
Plots world
Crates opening area
Leaderboard area
SpawnRanking system
– To move on to another rank, type /rankup in the chat.
– Once you reach Z rank, you may prestige by typing /prestige in the chat.
– There are 26 regular ranks ranging from A to Z.
– There are 100 prestige ranks ranging from P1 to P100.
– Every time you prestige, you will get a permanent +0.10x sell multiplier. Prestige 1 or P1 will allow you to claim a maximum of 2 plots. P30 = 3 plots, P60 = 4 plots, P90 = 5 plots.
– There are 5 paid ranks including Innocent, Thief, Thug, Gangster, and Convict. You may purchase paid ranks through our discord server
– If you are a content creator, you may apply for YouTube and YouTube+ ranks on our discord server.”);
– To go to the plots world, type /plots.
– To go to the crates area, type /crates.
– To go to a certain mine, type /mine
– To see available warps and mines, type /warps and /mines
Economy system
– On HybridPE, there are tokens and your balance in dollars.
– Tokens are obtainable from crates, mining, and leveling up your pickaxe.
– With tokens, you may upgrade your pickaxe using /upgrade. You may also use tokens to fix or rename your items.
– You may see how much tokens and balance you have by typing /tokens and /balance.
– Your balance may be used to rank up, prestige, and buy plots.
Custom Enchants
-On HybridPE, we offer various custom enchantments.
– Most of our custom enchants are aimed to be crafted with a pickaxe. You may add a custom enchant to your item by typing /upgrade.
– On HybridPE, we allow our players to create their gangs and team up with their friends. To access available gang commands, type /gang help.
– The richest gang at the end of the month may to choose 2 gang members who will each get a rank crate key.
– On HybridPE, we offer large 50×50 plots where players can express their creativity.
– Because the plots are big, we decided to put a price that players must pay before owning a plot.
Block Tournament
On HybridPE, we host a block tournament every hour.
– Before this tournament starts, we will give everyone a notice 2 minutes before the tourney starts.
– In this tourney, players are given 5 minutes to mine as much as they can in /mine to possibly win the tournament.
– There will be 3 winners at the end of each tournament and these winners will be rewarded for their effort.
– The following commands may be helpful to you: /rankup, /rankupmax, /prestige, /pickaxe, /gang help, /sellhand, /balance, /shop, /tokens, /warps, /report, /stats, /kit, /fix, /asell, and /misc
EasyMu.biz :: NEWS
Play2win Bingo

SERVER IS ONLINE! Dear EasyMU Players, Grand Opening Time: Server time: 19:00 Version: Season 16 Part 2 Experience: X5000 (Normal, Master, Majestic) Points per Level: 5/7 Points per Master Level: 1 Resets: In game /reset command , 400 Level, Cost 1kk*reset count (RESET on web free 6 credits) Reset Burns Stats:No, stats stays, Max stats: 32767 Grand resets: unlimited, every 50 resets (Free: 105250 credits!!!) All chars create: from 1 level Offlevel: ON , Disabled in Arena and low level maps , 12 Hours Limit Offtrade: Available in low level maps and Loren Market Personal Store:Zen personal store and offlevel store items are sold for Zen Jewels:Various ways to get them (Check drop list) , Monsters jewel drop rate is high. NoN PvP: Arena is a non-pvp map where you can level up easy with out getting killed MuBot (MuHelper) from: 30 level WCoins & xShop: Farm WCoins with plenty of ways (check drop list) and buy your max gear from xshop and website shop. Play2Win!!! Wcoins: Exchange from credits to Wcoins (ratio 10/1) Maximal character level: 400 master level: 800 (total max level: 1200) Ruud Trade: Buy Custom Ruud Jewels from Ruud Shop or Goblin Point Shop that rewards exactly the amount you paid so you can trade your Ruud. About vip: Experience increase: 2x higher FULLY CONFIGURED SILVER/GOLD PARTY!!! YOU CAN FIND YOUR PARTNERS RIGHT NOW !!! FREE Starting items: 100000000 Zen 100 Free starting Points Get FREE Credits:
Grand resets: (Free: 105250 credits!!!) Vote Reward System: (Free 20 credits every 12/24 hours). Click Here For More Info |